pictures and lore

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Biktors lore

As you might know, Biktor is an almighty creature with powers out of this world. He goes on journeys that no other would even think of. He travels true to the living and nonliving relm like it's nothing. He brought together people through the world and beyond. When time has come for Biktor to rest he heads to the spirit realm where no one can disturb his slumber.

Although he is a godlike being he also wants to get closer to the land of humans. He does that by releasing covers of music and some original music of course.

Biktors Attack Form

Most of his journeys are peaceful but when it gets down to it Biktor is no stranger to race his guard and fight. And this is Biktor at 1% of his power. no one knows how far he can go



Animal Lover

Even the best have a soft spot and Biktor loves animals of all kinds. here we can see how biktor hugs his chicken.

Biktor Stan up

Most of the pictures of Biktor are when he is sitting in his also famous pose but for those who wunder how he looks when he stands up. Here's how it looks.


Gamer Biktor

Because Biktor is so famous he has been featured in many popular games such as minecraft as we see here.

